Friday, 16 September 2011

Career Mums

OMG,  the days are going so quick now….It was only a little while ago that I added my Summer Cocktail post and How to host a garden party article and bang – Autumn’s here. I have even heard talks about Christmas shopping, even though Christmas is still over 12 weeks away..clearly, some people are blessed with too much time on their hands.

Anyway..what’s been going down on Blogsville? always I have gone and buried myself under a mountain load of work and abandoned a few of the things that are dear to my heart.

I was reading a post on the Dailymail today (yeah I enjoy the tab and gossip columns occasionally) and they had an interesting article on superwomen working mothers and how they have had to rework their careers so they can have time to enjoy their families. I can relate to a couple of experiences like Rachel Clacher and her hubby joking about how lucky they are that their children were born at the weekend and bank holiday because Rachel never took any maternity leave. Reminds me of when I had my daughter and about an hour after she popped out, I was on the phone to a colleague saying I wouldn’t be in that day because the baby had arrived..and my daughter arrived almost two weeks late. Joanne Berry admitting to buying the fairy cakes for her daughters nursery school picnic also got me thinking , ‘cos I’ve been there and done that…not to mention the emotional turmoil and short temperedness they have all had with working long hours at home and in the office.

I however had to agree with Nicola “CITY SUPER-MUM” who says if you have enough money to buy the support you need and are lucky enough to be the boss so you can dictate your can indeed be super woman and have it all..would you agree?

Check out the rest of the article Here…makes an interesting read

Thursday, 11 August 2011

A Decent Future

So after all the years of rude awakenings courtesy your alarm clock, the crazy bolt to the bathroom to get all scrubbed up and ready for work, irritating traffic, cups and cups of coffee, annoying co-workers, stubborn clients, the  difficult task of balancing work and home….and all other events that define the life of a career woman. 

……30, 40, 50, 60, 61, 64, 65 and then you hit retirement age…some of us hope to have retired long before then. After all these years, what sort of life have you made for yourself? What has all that toil come to? Parents living off their kids and saddling them with the responsibility of paying their utility bills, living off a meager pension, kids inheriting a huge amount of debt from parents….exactly what plans are you making for your retirement…Some may argue it’s a bit too early to think of that, but I beg to differ. Our financial decisions now, have a great deal of impact on our future investments except of course you win the lottery or somehow hit the jackpot.

I was thinking of a family friend who used to be affluent and had a lot of assets in his younger days. He was CEO of a number of companies and lived a high profile life. Now in his sixties he is barely managing to make ends meets. Where did it all go wrong? – Decisions, Determination and Discipline

Decisions Like it or not, you can’t work forever. So start making plans now for your retirement. If you already have a nice stack stashed somewhere think of how you can get some returns and invest wisely. If you are part of a work pensions plan, forecaste your pension and think of ways you can increase  your input. If you haven’t already started with a pension scheme, Get information and advice on how to catch up. The earlier and quicker you pay up that mortgage the better. If you’ve got talents, make the bold decision to do something profitable with it…..

Determination  The easy part is to decide on what to do, but you would need to stay driven and focused to make it work. Live within your means and reduce your credit. You may not be rich immediately but you can build your wealth. All those spontaneous accumulations of Louboutins, Chanel and need to think them twice. While some may argue that their Choos and Manolos are investments. Ask yourself how much return you get on these sorts of investments. The idea girlfriend - is to put in something and get at least a little bit more in return, Get it?...good. Now you could try swapping some of that designer collection for a share price portfolio
Discipline This is where you stay determined and weed out all the stuff that make you do otherwise. Be practical with your finances. Prepare an effective budget for your spending after summarizing your expenses and income, record expenses and payments and stick to your budget.

 There are people who have money and people who are rich - Gabrielle Bonheur Coco Chanel

The saying that the safest way to double your money is to fold it in half, is b*l*sh*t at its best, walk into an investment firm and speak to some professionals, make your money work for you.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Michael Kors

I have a huge tote bag for my bits and bobs which I take to work every day. I like the fact that I can chuck in my laptop case, lunch bag and other stuff that get me through the day in without looking over loaded. My tote has served me well, it’s been almost three years now and I need to retire it.

For a while, I wasn't able to decide on a new bag. I knew what I wanted - something big, preferably a tote, can go with most outfits (could be one of my favourite colours gold or brown)  and look chic. I saw a lady sporting a nice Michael Kors bag recently and had a look on their site – I think I have found what I’m looking for. Here are some of my favorites - hobos and totes inclusive

Tan SKorpius Large Should Bag

Dark DuneWaverley Draw String Tote

Skorpius Ring Toe in Cinnamon

Cobalt Ring Tote (available in black)

 Knox Drawstring Shoulder Bag

Grayson Large Bag in Camo

Barley Tonne Hobo

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Positive Parenting

Yes, yes I know….it’s been ages…..

No…I haven’t stopped blogging, I have only been trying to add a bit of productivity to my currently chaotic life. In the middle of work, exams, house hold chores, organizing the kids holiday schedules and everything in between I haven’t had much time to get inspired to do or think creatively. A couple of times over the past few weeks, I have reminisced on how much I took for granted back in college, where all I had to worry about was - what to wear to class, how to get through a boring lecture or my CGPA…..I was looking at life through rose colored glasses then.

Fast forward ten years and I am wearing high definition spectacles, long sighted, short sighted or in between – I am seeing the real world as it is. Now I have real stuff to worry about, I try not to worry but there are times we get thrown things beyond our control and we just have to deal with them. I had a conversation with a colleague at work today, a style icon In her own right, you could hear her laugh all the way down the hall and she is always up to organizing some fun spirited competition to lighten up the mood at work. Most people have an issue they are dealing with, the beauty of this lady is that you could never tell. On the outside she looks soft and delicate but on the inside she is hard and tough……lesson one made me ask myself - how do I handle adversity? - don’t wear your problems..everyone has something they are trying to deal with continue to stay strong and positive and look fabulous.

What started off the conversation with Kay was her looking round the local shops at lunch time for some turn up shorts. I asked what they were for and she said she is off to camp tomorrow with twenty five kids tomorrow for a week. She has three other adults with her and I’m like, taking time off work now for me would be for a holiday ( a relaxing holiday) not running after a bunch of high adrenaline teenagers who probably wouldn’t listen to you anyway. Then she explained the situation with her kid and that was lesson number two…..Patience..the problems we face should build us and make us better people. She has learnt to be more patient with others after having to deal with her sons issues.

So Kay told me of the issues she is having with her teenage son who is being threatened with an expulsion from school by the authorities. The boy isn’t doing drugs, weapons or anything of that nature at school, he is being kicked out because he is jumpy, never concentrates, distracts other kids in class and gets rude to teachers. Doesn’t sound out of the ordinary to me, I have heard worse, but she assures me it really is bad. She has been working with the local authorities and a child psychologist to help improve things because if he does get kicked out of school, his chances of getting into another good school is minimal.

Being a mum myself, it can be very worrying and embarrassing when a child is labeled as trouble. These days teenagers seem to think they know everything and it takes a lot of God given patience to make them see the true nature of things.

My colleagues story of what she is going through with her son at school prompted me to look up some online help. And I found this article by Jeanne Potts Faulconer on Family and Home Network Her guidelines are more applicable to younger kids. To sum it up no matter how much a child pushes you to that very edge, continue to love, continue to stay positive believing it’s a phase and underneath all that rage is a beautiful heart, continue to endure and persevere, continue to seek new ways to help him overcome it and to help yourself get through it, continue being hopeful…

'A mighty power and stronger Man from his throne has hurled,For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.'~ William Ross Wallace

It's not mothers day, but I'm dedicating this minute to all super mums out there who work as part time cook, cleaner, maid and chauffer. Working round the clock to bring up kids who will define our future. It's not an easy task but we are made of tough stuff :0) 

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Feature - Ata Ashiru - Inkhearts

So many inspiring businesses out there, women entrepreneurs juggling work and home. Ata Ashiru is building her empire on creating bespoke invitations. I mentioned an upcoming feature on her business - Inkhearts in a recent post and she has shared her ideas with us Here

Hope you are having a nice week...keep smiling :0)

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Coconut Cupcake with a Bounty Frosting

A very long week for me, but I will bounce back soon enough. Meanwhile, here's a scrumptious cupcake recipe to try out courtesy of Cynthia Stroud. I would love to hear your comments, do send me screenshots also, if you can Click here for recipe

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Go on! Get started

One thing I love about this space is that I am meeting lots of talented people. I mentioned recently that we learn from each other and draw strength from other people's experiences. I hope the businesses that are featured inspire you to PUSH! and do something wonderful with your creativity. These people have and are doing great things with their talents. So go on, get started today and show me what you've got - I DARE YOU

What attracted me to this business was the name - to be honest, and after scouring the company's website I now admire the work they do. There aren't too many businesses that take care of the little details in an event, this company adds a touch of class.

Inkhearts is a design studio specialising in wedding and occassion stationery.  From what I have seen I think Class and Elegance describe it. The lady behind the company works in a big firm and juggles her work and home commitments with running a business.  I will be featuring the business very soon, so watch this space.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


June 8 exactly a week from today.

Google have indicated that most services should not be affected…touchwood! However if you have any issues navigating to this space, it may because we are moving into a a new era of connecting on cyberspace. Just in case you are wondering what I am rabbiting on about it's World IPv6 day which marks the transition of a number of internet domains to a new IP address space.

...That's all we need to know, leave the techies to do their thing and hope they don't break it in the process.

How has your week been so far?

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Feature - Cynthia Stroud : Cakes by Cynthia

In a recent Post I  mentioned creative Cynthia Stroud who runs Cakes by Cynthia. She has shared some of her ideas with us...See details on the Features page. 

I enjoy featuring inspiring businesses and talking to the people who drive it. We can learn a lot from their experience and hopefully motivate ourselves to channel our creativity into something productive.

Thanks for doing this Cynthia and the very best to you and your team.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Random Musings

I think I need one of those top Nikon camera gears to capture images. Just took a walk round my neighborhood and was admiring the lovely patios, gardens and side walks some people have. I live in a small community where everyone tends to mind their own business a lot (actually bordering on a bit over the top) However everyone sorts of tries to outdo the other, for example during christmas, who has got the most fanciful decorations etc etc.Don't get me wrong, I do like my neighbors (at least the handful I know) they are very pleasant when you get to know them (acquitances don't come easy around here) I got to know the ones I know through my grand aunt who came from my home country to help take care of my little princess when she was born. She assumed she was back home where it's a come one come all - open door celebration on "name the baby day". Needless to say, my neighbors must have been surprised when the old lady from across the street in her African attire covered with a huge coat, hat and socks in the middle of the summer, knocked on their door. Well they came round and we had a good of the wives actually got so pissed, her hubby had to escort her home - they do have blood running in their veins afterall :0) not ice.......anyway I digress.

It's way past midnight now, and I wanted to upload some pics I took of some rose covered patios. The pics would have looked so much better on a pro camera, hence the reason I started talking about the Nikon and then my neighbors....before I start going off track again, here are the pics..I should get the dust of my patio and add some colours too. I do love roses :0)

Summer Drinkies

Now that the sun is making more of an appearance and the weather is getting hot, cocktails are a great way to entertain and get your creative juices flowing - Bloody Mary, Bahama Mama, Maiden's Prayer or whatever you decide to call it, here is an article to inspire your mix.

Here are five easy ones for the not so adventurous and while you sip do have a look at a recent spotlight feature on Maya Angelou

Pog Punch [credits: Marie Claire]
1 1/2 parts Pineapple Infusions, 1 1/2 parts fresh-squeezed orange juice  and 1 part guava puree
In an ice-filled shaker combine all ingredients, shake, and strain into ice-filled scorpion bowl. Garnish with a floating orchid and pineapple. Accessorize with straws...Bish,Bash,Bosh

Fruits of the Forest [credits:]

Mix 1 Part Vox Vodka, Simple Syrup/Lime Juice, Fresh berries - strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and one Bunch of edible flowers (pansies,roses)

Muddle the berries in a mixing glass, add a dash of the the syrup and vodka and shake sharply. Double strain into a prechilled martini glass. To garnish, rim the glass with sugar syrup and dip into a plate of finely chopped flowers to match the cocktails color. ...enjoy Fresh and Fruity

 Long Island Iced Tea

1/2 part of  Gin, White Rum, Tequilla and Triple Sec, 1 part vodka, top up cola, dash of Lemon ,Lime and sugar syrup, 1 lemon Wedge and some Ice cubes.

Now shake all the ingredients except the cola with cracked ice. Strain and pour into a highball glass. Top up with cola. Enjoy
Bacardi Mix

This is one of my specials maybe because it is a completely effortless mix and tastes great.

Simply mix some sprite, 7up or Lemonade in a glass add two shots of Barcadi Mohito, throw in a lemon wedge and you're good to go.

Rainbow Cocktails

Coloured cocktails add zing to entertaining. Whatever colours you prefer, mix by starting with the heaviest liquid and keep adding with the lightest on top. A tip is to pour liquid over the back of a spoon to stop the lighter fluids from mixing together, you may also add some ice to separate. They will mix eventually but this should hold just long enough for you to admire the brilliance :0)

Enjoy :0)

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Feature - Janell Beal: House of Fifty

I have been very privileged to get Janell's responses to the questions I sent regarding her views on interior decorating and the new online inspired living magazine that premiered it's first copy recently. See full details here. Thanks Janell :0)

I will be featuring another creative and inspiring lady shortly. I don't know about you lot, but I have had my fair share of disasters with baking. I keep promising to bake the next celebration cake in the family all by myself from scratch, needless to say that revelation hasn't surfaced :0(

With any luck the uber talented Cynthia Stroud will give me some handy tips which I will be sharing with you soon. Cynthia is the brain behind Cakes by Cynthia. Her cakes are simply beautiful and she does get very creative with her designs.

oreo cake by Cynthia Stroud
 Based in Hertford, she offers a free tasting consultation as part of her bridal service...I'm available if you would like an escort or a second opinion :0)

Her cakes have been featured in Vogue and several Wedding magazines.

I can definitely do with some cake making tips and ideas, and would also love to hear how she has managed to achieve success in her cake making business.

I will be posting her feature page shortly, so watch this space

Friday, 29 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

Friday 29th of April will remain a day a lot witnessed a real fairy tale story. As it is being celebrated with a bank holiday here in the UK, I am dedicating today's post to Kate and Wills as we celebrate their union in London.

I followed every minute of the event and it was indeed magical. From the beautiful clad guests decked in very fashionable styles and their lovely hair pieces (I hear Philip Treacy was the head piece designer of the day), to the Princes and other memebers of the Royal family looking regal in their Royal Outfits, Westminster Abbey in all it's glory, the Royal guards, the crowd lined up from Clarendon House where William spent his last night as a bachelor to Goring Hotel where Kate spent hers, to Buckingham Palace...I am glad I witnessed this memorable event.

I will be featuring outfits of the day shortly on my Spotlight page -  Tara Palmer Tomkinson, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, Princess Victoria, Victoria beckham and the lovely bridesmaid Pippa Middleton ere some of my favoutrites, so watch this space.

Kate a vision in her Alexander McQueen dress by Sarah Burton

In the meantime, congrats to the lovely couple and best wishes for the future

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Summer Flowers

It's that time of the year, when flowers are in bloom. Time to get shoveling and shape up your garden or brighten your space.

My personal favourites are Cosmos, Daisy's, Freesias, Gerbera's, Impatiens, Tuberose, Callalily's and Asters. It's amazing how much i'm learning on this portal. Prior to this post they were all just flowers to me and they were either the blue, yellow or pink ones.

I don't do much gardening but quite eager to learn. I walked into ASDA the other day and they do these little planters from Suttons in tiny pots for kids in lots of varieties. A great way to introduce the young ones to gardening. We bought a sunflower pot and a tomato pot which has started budding little plants now.

Hopefully we can improve on what we have before the end of the summer. I think a nice arrangement of Tuberoses or Freesias will make a lovely centrepiece. Flowers in patio pots, hanging baskets and window boxes are very brightening.

TFT: Why not change the look of your garden or adorn your space with some of these beautiful summer plants

Interflora UK have a new range of summer flowers available rom £23, really beautiful flowers and they ship to various destinations as well. Here are some of my personal favourites from the new range. They include sweet scented herbs, carnations, chrysathemums, lavender, germinis, freesias, roses and many more

And here are some garden party ideas for an ideal summer get together

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